Monday, April 7, 2008

Another freak at work

There is this person at work. They recently moved my desk and I’m warming up to the new neighbors (although I think most of them are probably unbalanced).
I have to preface my complaint with the fact I have the worst sinuses / allergies known to man. I rarely go a day without sneezing and I have one of the most earth shaking sneezes a person could muster. Honestly I have scared the crap out of more than one co-worker. I feel bad for it, but I can’t sneeze differently.
That said (or written), I am able to contain most of my noises. The girl that sits behind me has the nerve racking habit of working out her mucus flow, in the most loud and obnoxious manner I have ever seen. Imagine, if you will, your father or uncle who likes to – I don’t know the polite phrase – hock a looogie. That throat clearing sound that winds up the whole process. This is the sound that haunts me. A few times a day I hear it. Loud. There are no attempts at anything quaint or ladylike. I started keeping track:
Mon = 1 (but she left within the first hour of the day) ; Saturday = 4; Sunday 4; Monday 7.
It was on that last Monday that I quit keeping track. I though it would be fun to keep track, but it turns out, not so much fun.
This person also reeks of cigarette smoke. She is the same one to, in the words of another employee, “Pitch an unholy bitch fit”, if someone comes in wearing too much fragrance. Hello Old Spice my old friend.

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